Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Markets for ultra-new

Indeed, addiction may result in constant shopping, yet, no one yet compared shopping for milk of gas to art collecting, quite frankly, you could substitute any kind of goods with more rational products or no shopping at all, true. You could not acquire anything at all. It is just commodities made by others. You just apply certain monetary measure to it. Yet, of course, art is not among required for basic survival goods. It is extremely lucrative product, quite opposite to food either apartment buildings. Yet you may substitute many common things without feeling that something lost. Matter is just fashion, your social connections and trends. Theoretically, one may even substitute food to powering from solar panels. Strangely, automobiles or computers has never been compared to art. Despite this, they have great deal of design and complex intelligence in it, only lacking distinction of art brand. Virtual realities may receive all properties of physical world. You may shop for art or kind of "über-commodity" or anything else as constant as you shop for milk, cell phones or gas, indeed it is only matter of supply and demand for other products, social trends and disire for expansion and exchange. Practically you can program society in many ways to follow things. Futurism is time for values defined solely by intelligence.

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