David Cohen, an arts reporter, once suggested that art is all about sanity. This is quite interesting. Sanity, is that purely about acceptance or commerce, talking cynically; genius, is that something intensely more complex. Sanity has always been close to religion and conventional governance, the revolutionary science is quite often appears as public devil, one pretending to ruin the system, forfeit one to another, whose basis is a higher intelligence. Burn the beach of someone's vertebrate existence to the steel proof certainty of cybernetic age. One's life was cool at the empty beach of joyful existence, but anyway. The physical rules aren't firm basis for reality, it is just approximate definition made one day; based on on limited facts. One which is firm just Mathematics. Renaissance was purely mathematical concept at it's best. Without understanding the truth one can't expect the progress, without progress life becomes purposeless. Is Duchampian "Fountain" all about sanity or insanity in his time, a challenge message for psychological boundaries explained. Tomorrow is made by science which to invent, today just follow tomorrow's dream...
1. Nicholas Chistiakov, Hysteria, 2009, oil on canvas, triptych, 9 x 12 inches each part, left part. Artwork used with permission. Copyright © 2010 Nicholas Chistiakov http://www.nicholaschistiakov.com. Photography: Allan Marin Leer
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